We all want something.
I kept my gaze discreetly from the side as I
stared at the childish delight in his eyes.
the boy that he once was
wooed me into an unfamiliar pink of romance.
He talked to me through his eyes
as though inviting me into his personal seclusions.
I engaged him with a timid blush,
to subtly receive a bliss of this unexpected seduction…
and then he abruptly
busied himself with a random fellow,
busied himself with a random fellow,
conversing with him about winter’s chill,
deliberately digressing from the conversation
we were having with our eyes,
I felt a discomfort in his tone
and a rushed oblivion in his eyes
as he looked at something on the floor,
seeking to forget the uneasy mood in the air.
A beautiful lady appeared
and kissed him on the cheek,
her smile inspiring a glow on his face.
Her advances confronting me to stay away.
I obliged and
apologised with a shaky nod
and went my way,
to run away from the private disgrace,
As I made it to the door
with an invented fuss,
he chanced a glance
to see whether I’d leave
without stealing a glimpse myself,
for He too was unsure
of whether we had wanted the same thing.
but we all want something
everyone wants something…
Inspired by Rihanna’s We all want love